Pte.No.S4109402 Army Service Corps Pte. No.84581 42nd Bn. Machine Gun Corps. Wounded Discharged. Entitled to wear Wound Stripe. Awarded Silver War Badge British War and Victory Medals.psearchPte.No.S4109402 Army Service Corps Pte. No.84581 42nd Bn. Machine Gun Corps. Wounded Discharged. Entitled to wear Wound Stripe. Awarded Silver War Badge British War and Victory Medals.?psearchPte.No.S4109402 Army Service Corps Pte. No.84581 42nd Bn. Machine Gun Corps. Wounded Discharged. Entitled to wear Wound Stripe. Awarded Silver War Badge British War and Victory Medals.psearchPte.No.S4109402 Army Service Corps Pte. No.84581 42nd Bn. Machine Gun Corps. Wounded Discharged. Entitled to wear Wound Stripe. Awarded Silver War Badge British War and Victory Medals.


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